Something is Missing

Something is Missing 

A year ago, you were here. 
unexplainable feelings, difficult to put into words.
 how could a person be so attached to someone else since they first met? 
At that moment I realized, they were just like a chain, interrelated.
. My heart’s pounding (of course if it’s not means I'm dead).
 Only this time it was faster since he said that, earlier.
 Angry? sad? disappointed? I couldn't even tell.
 but clearly, I knew that something was slowly receding and fading into the distance.
 I’m still pounding don't know why, I’m so confused, clueless, about how I feel. 
Being a person that has an advantageous ability hiding feelings? 
Wow trust me, I’m an expert in this field, but this time is different.
 even the places you always go to will never look the same just as it is. 
because you're always there and now you're gone. 
Nothing has changed but like something is missing.
Deep in my heart, I acknowledge... 
Knowing him makes me feel like I know exactly what I need in my life.
Please, let me find back what was lost. What was missing
You are like an empty worn dusty blue diary. 
alone and lonely, your job is like your family.
Sad to say, the blue diary had disappeared before I could fill it.


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